Saturday, April 25, 2020

Life Waves

If you haven't heard this term before it refers to souls of a group incarnating during a certain time that share certain thoughts and behaviors and motivations.

Souls incarnate together at the same time for a reason and likewise souls leave the planet often together for a reason too.

So, you are going to see an entire generation of people wiped out worldwide only to be replaced by new babies of a different life wave coming in worldwide as well.

It's sort of like "A Changing of the Guard".

This is much more obvious to someone of my age (almost 72) than maybe for younger people because I have already had to watch my cousin at age 8 when he was 16 die very young and then one by one my Grandparents and then my parents and Aunts and uncles all died and now most of my cousins have died too along the way as well as two of my best male friends that go back as far as 1954 and 1958 so far. I have only one friend from around 1969 and my cousin and I go back to around 1953 left alive from the old days now and his wife and children and I was at their wedding in 1969 when I was 21. They just celebrated their 50th Anniversary last summer by the way.

So, life waves come to earth and life waves go sort of like watching the waves in the ocean.

By God's Grace

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