Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Reality is that 60,000 deaths in the U.S. actually means 180,000 deaths in the U.S.


Because a Yale Study proved that there are 15,000 non-tested coronavirus deaths for every 8000 tested deaths so far.

So, it's true I'm overestimating when I saw 180,000 because if I divide 60,000 by 8000 which is 7.5 and then I multiply that by 15,000 I get 112,500. And if I then add the 60,000 plus deaths that were tested I get: 172,500.

So, if I did the math right the actual number of estimated deaths in the U.S. would be around 172,500 people so far with 60,000 plus tested and 112,500 not tested who died of coronavirus.

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