Saturday, April 25, 2020

Regarding immunity for Coronavirus

I think you have to look at coronavirus exactly like you look at a cold or flu every year. In other words this might kill you any year you get it even if you just survived it in the hospital this year.

So, how people behave because of this is going to be sort of like seeing Coronavirus a little like Smallpox or bubonic plague because it will keep on killing people until people get some kind of immunity to it and then it might still kill them at some point in the future.

My son who has a BS in Nursing said that he has read how this virus can attack one's blood and capillaries too in addition to a person's lungs.

So, it is as if this virus was genetically designed to either kill people or weaken their immune systems temporarily or permanently.

When you have a virus like this one it is possible it could kill off 1/2 of the human race (4 billion people) in the next 50 years for example by 2070 or 2080.

But, we have to wait and see what it does too. However, everything we learn about what this virus actually is and does protects you and I and our families worldwide from both death and a weakening immune system from actually getting it.

IF you look carefully now even at the 950,999 of those tested on Earth at this time you see that ONLY 99,106 of those people have actually recovered which is something to think about too.

In other words if only 1 in 10 people have actually recovered who had this thing then maybe we need to rethink how we are going to deal with this on an ongoing basis worldwide.

Because it is looking a whole lot more like someone genetically designed this thing to kill off 1/2 to 80% of the human race this century at this point. Do you agree with this assessment?

It's not that we will ever find out who did this or whether they were from earth or not that did this but this is what it looks like to me at this point in my research. But, all this is subject to change as more information comes in through the coming years.

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