Sunday, May 31, 2020

The problem as I see it

Many of the people looting around the nation are black or seen as black even though they might be only 1/16 or less black because African genes are dominant genes. So, then you look at the government which has done NOTHING for black people under Trump including the 3 trillion dollars or more help that went to businesses. So, you have black people who have no money for food with an opportunity to loot businesses under this situation.

I have written before that it takes only 3 days of no food for people to riot. Many of these people rioting and looting have had not enough food for several months now. So, this and Russia and China paying people to riot and to burn is a really bad combination for our nation especially with a KKK President like Trump.

I'm really afraid now it will get much much worse under these horrific conditions economically nationwide.

Then you have Trump saying he wants to designate Antifa (the anti fascists) which are violently against KKK that Trump is and supports as a terrorist organization. He cannot do this to American organizations including the KKK because it is a domestic group. You ONLY can designate foreign groups as terrorist organizations legally. They can be designated as criminal anti-government organizations but not legally as terrorist organizations. I know this is a legal distinction but legality is the difference often between life and death in the kinds of circumstances we are witnessing now

So, you cannot designate the Antifa (Anti-Fascist far left) or the KKK type far right violent organization either as a terrorist group. But, you can call them domestic terrorists and criminal groups both on the right and on the left. Because both the extreme right and the extreme left are the ones causing the violence now from the anarchists on the left to the gestapo Neo Nazi skin Heads on the right.

Both groups want to overthrow our democracy and replace it with something else but each wants something very different.

However, I could see how Antifa and Neo-Nazis might also join together during these times to overthrow the government and possibly try to assassinate Trump and members of his government for their own purposes.

To the Neo-Nazis Trump isn't far right enough and to the Antifa groups who are anarchists 'No goverment is a useful or good government."

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