Saturday, May 30, 2020

What did I discover the first 10 years of Soul Traveling?

I came to realize that time and space are not an absolute reality. They are ONLY a relative truth.


Because the galaxy actually could be thought of as a waterfall in that the energy inside a galaxy is doing a similar thing as what a waterfall is.

What is a waterfall?

It is water dropping and aeriating while falling which tends to kill bacteria in the water.

But, what it is really is a transitory state of water.

Where as what a galaxy is actually is Dark matter in a transitory state and galaxies are created by beings who create galaxies like humans would build a farm. But, the beings who create all galaxies are all the same species of beings from Dark matter. But, I think a better name for it would be Unknown matter because that's all the term "Dark" really means. It's sort of like saying "I can't see in the dark" so I don't know what it is."

Because in Dark matter time and space don't exist (at least in a form we could recognize).

Matter and Time and Space only exist in a Galaxy in this "Waterfall" transition state.

And this waterfall of a galaxy we live in is in transition from one state to another and then we likely have an anti-matter galaxy the other side of the black hole in the center of the galaxy which holds all the time and space and matter from flying off into space.

So, if time and space are only a relative reality what is reality?

Being and Non-Being are absolute reality but not time and space.

And being and non-being are everywhere in every time and space.

I equate being to being awake and non-being to being asleep by the way.

This would be the easiest way to understand this as a human being.

By God's Grace

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