Tuesday, July 28, 2020

150,000 dead or more now in U.S. which translates to almost 450,000 including non-tested coronavirus death victims

You might say: "How does 150,000 deaths equal 450,000 deaths?

It's an approximation using data from a Yale Study which says that for every 8000 tested deaths there are 15,000 non-tested deaths (at least this is the ratio here in the U.S.) other countries are likely going to be different even though Europe might be about the same. So, when I say 150,000 equals 450,000 that would only be true if it were 8000 to 16,000 so I'm fudging a little bit when I say 450,000 American deaths because 281,250 is how many deaths are non-tested when you divide 150,000 by 8000 and then multiply by 15,000 with the right ratio. Then you a 150,000 to 281,250 which means 431,250 is the right amount of Americans that have died using this ratio found by Yale.

So, we have now lost 431,250 Americans tested and non-tested so far as of  July 28th 2020 Tuesday here in the U.S.

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