Wednesday, July 15, 2020

If it is now possible to get coronavirus 4 times a year?

The news I received yesterday implies this by the way. Because if your immunity (even after almost dying from coronavirus) says that immunity only lasts less than three months this also implies you have a chance of getting infected with coronavirus about once every 3 months.

If this is true then people who don't die from it the first time may die from it the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time that they get it which could also theoretically be within the very same year

And each time you have to go to the hospital your chances of surviving the next bought reduces over time because each time you get this your immune system likely becomes more and more compromised and harmed.

So, for people who are working in the world of ANY age this is very very serious in a way I cannot even fully emphasize here enough.

So, when young people from zero to 30 think they are immune to all this they are very very wrong because this is now dangerous for the survival of life on earth (or at least our infrastructure and technology base worldwide).

In other words if we lose too many of the best minds of science or culture through this, civilization itself (at least as we have known it) will begin to unravel over the next 5 to10 years worldwide.

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