Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Presently 103 degrees Fahrenheit in Redding today going to 111 Degrees

108 in Death Valley, California going to 116 degrees
102 in Palm Springs going to 106
102 in Las Vegas going to 106
102 going to 110 in Red Bluff, California
109 in Needles, California going to 112 today
102 in yuma arizona going to 109 today
104 in phoenix going to 110 today
104 in Tucson going to 107 today
88 in Mt. Shasta going to 95 today
66 where I live on the coast going to 68 degrees today
it's presently 66 in San Francisco going eventually to 69 degrees today.

It's presently 12:53 PDT on Wednesday July 15th  2020

As it gets hotter and hotter inland in California it gets colder and colder generally along the northern Coasts from about Santa Barbara north to the Oregon Border and beyond. So, as it reaches 100 or more this just makes the fog come in along the coast and makes it colder on the northern Coast of California.But, for me, because I mostly grew up in Los Angeles county I miss the sun during the summer time even though no one I know of on the coast where I live has an air conditioner because you really never need one here in your home only a heater and that's all.

So, I was used to growing up in up to 115 degrees in Glendale when I grew up there and part of the time I don't think we had an air conditioner in our home. In the 1930s and 1940s you used a fan blowing over ice cubes to stay cool in your homes then. This continued for many people into the 50s and 60s as well if they didn't have air conditioners.

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