Monday, July 20, 2020

Religion likely will be more important to people during the Coronavirus


Because the primary way people tend to survive really hard times is through religion. When people turn to alcohol or drugs this often can lead to disfunction or death in times like these. So, it is important to allow people to go into shamanism or religion during these times.

It is a natural survival response to avoid self destructive kinds of behavior.

Is it helpful to turn to religion in bad times?

It depends upon the person but understanding that it is an ancient response to watching people die all around you that are friends or that you love to prevent you from just jumping off cliff or something which is a natural response to not being able to deal with all the deaths.

In World War II people died like flies both from getting killed by weapons but also during the next 10 to 20 years people were dying from being self destructive a lot from the PTSD they experienced and couldn't cope with.

Likewise, we are now in major PTSD. There is NO ONE on earth who doesn't have Covid-19 PTSD at this point and we have to allow people any behavior that allows them to survive all this.

So, understanding that people are going to do all sorts of crazy things trying to survive now but some behaviors are going to be more extreme than others so protect yourselves from this behavior wherever possible.

By God's Grace

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