Monday, July 27, 2020

The plan was ALWAYS to go with Robots and eliminate the people worldwide

So, it's no big surprise to me that the people are being eliminated AND robots are taking their place in companies all over the world. This is one reason that Trump hasn't done more to keep people alive because he wants all blacks and native Americans and Hispanics dead anyway. From his point of view: "Who cares if a few white trash who vote for me die too?"

Who is surviving Coronavirus the most?

People who are middle Class to Wealthy White people who own their own businesses and are self employed who might be able to work out of a home based office or even in their garage on a phone or computer worldwide.

Everyone else might not make it through the next 10 to 20 years worldwide.

Minorities worldwide are being wiped out by coronavirus in greater and greater numbers and I think we are only about 10% or less into this thing. We might see 10 to 20 times the deaths worldwide this winter in the northern Hemisphere both inside and outside as cold and flu season begins in September and October in the Northern hemisphere.

If we are to use the 1918 Flu Pandemic as a guide the worst will be the next 12 to 24 months not now.

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