Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Rime movement within Tibetan Buddhism

For example, I would be called  Rime Tibetan Buddhist even though I am also a mystical Christian as well.

Rime  pronounced (Reemay) means that you have intiations from more than one lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Most westerners are like this for example and don't see the need to only accept Initiations and Empowerments from only one lineage. So, Rime means you are a Tibetan buddhist with empowerments and inittiations from multiple lineages or all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.

So, to Tibetan Buddhists I would be considered to be a Rime Tibetan Buddhist Mystical Christian and this also works from a Christian point of view because to Christians, Tibetan Buddhism is not considered a religion because God is not emphasized. Instead it is considered to be a Philosophy so it would be similar to a Christian practicing Hatha Yoga.

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