Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump keeps touting cognitive abilities based on test he took that screens for signs of Alzheimers, not IQ

When I watched Trump dealing with coronavirus from the beginning I thought to myself "WTF is going on with him?"

It wasn't until 6 months later or so I realized that his grandfather had died of the 1918 Spanish Flu which had greatly distressed his Grandmother and father and siblings. Because his grandfather had run a brothel Restaurant combination during the Klondike Gold Rush he had made a lot of money before he went to Germany and met his bride who was Trump's grandmother. But, the trauma of losing this grandfather had really messed up Trump's father which was also why Trump's father was so very cruel to Trump along the way that he greatly damaged Donald Trump in significant ways.

So, the end result is the multi-generational trauma of losing his grandfather also destroyed Trump from being a compassionate human being towards anyone, even his niece, Mary Trump when her father died. Trump's whole family did not act in her or her brother's best interest and found a way to disinherit and commit fraud against her and her family the same year Donald's father died and the same year Mary Trump's Father had died who was Donald Trump's older brother.

This lack of loyalty and compassion for Mary Trump and her brother who were Donald Trump's niece and nephew show just how unfit Donald Trump is for office (even if it were for dogcatcher).

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