Thursday, July 30, 2020

Yes. Trump is either a Reptilian sent to thin out the human race? Or he's completely nuts!

Either way 250 million people are going to starve to death during the next 12 months no matter how many die of coronavirus worldwide in addition to that.

I personally am comforted by thinking of Trump as a Reptilian thinning out the human race rather than having to face the more obvious question of: "Is our president completely nuts?"

I would have to say, "If he is not a Reptilian then he is completely nuts and an obvious Sociopathic personality that isn't capable of choosing between right and wrong and incapable of normal logic or reason in any useful way.

In other words Trump is not anyone who should be running any country on earth unless you want everyone in that country (or world) to die of coronavirus.

Look at Representative Louis Gohmert. HE was berating his office Staff if they wore masks and telling them to take those masks off even as he was getting infected with coronavirus himself.

Could he have gotten coronavirus from his mask? If he wore a cloth mask and didn't wash it every night after using it and put it on backwards, yes, his mask could have infected him.

You either need to get a new paper mask every time you put a mask on or wear a cloth mask that you wash every night after you use it and then dry it before you use it again. Otherwise, you might infect yourself (especially if you turn it inside out the next day to wear it that way.

If you wear a cloth mask you have to wash it every night after work or school and dry it overnight before you re-use it to be safe.

Otherwise, just buy a bunch of paper masks and get a new one every day to wear that day and then throw it away and be done with that mask and get a new one the next morning.

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