Friday, September 25, 2020

I cannot easily give you word buttons because the legacy operating software appears to be inaccessible to me now (regarding most read articles)

 I had this problem before but then I discovered a link or word button available to use the legacy software so I could for a time easily give you links or word buttons for most read articles of the last 168 hours or 7 days or 24 hours quite easily. Now, in order to do that I likely would have to ask my daughter to program that in for me to automatically do that. However, I'm not sure how to place that in my site because that would automatically tabulate and most of the regular spaces for doing that are already used up. So, unless I could compile this myself and put it to the right I'm not sure how I would do that. so, obviously I'm thinking about it but it presently is a work in progress.

However, my older daughter has already programmed in the last 30 days of most read articles that automatically tabulate and display at the top of the page already. I don't have to do anything this just happens automatically and over time as people read different things it changes. So, you will always know the top 10 articles of the last 30 days. The most read articles of all time since 2007 are to your left.

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