Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The most difficult times in people's lives often lead to enlightenment

 When everything is easy people often are not forced to make difficult decisions. It is in those difficult decisions often that enlightenment springs forth.

If you talk to successful people the most important thing they will always say to you is that you must be willing to fail more than once in order to succeed.

People who succeed the first time often fail later in life. So, it is the willingness to fail that leads to success. It's about trying new things until something works.

All the things mankind is going through now will pass.

But, some people are going to keep trying until they find things that work for them. Those will be the successes of the future. 

And if you are not willing to fail you will never really succeed.

In the end it is not about success or failure it is about never giving up on yourself or your friends.

This is where true enlightenment comes from.

By God's Grace

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