Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A PHd in Time Travel the Hard Way

If you start with me screaming for several minutes up on Mt. Shasta because of a video feed of watching 5 billion people die here on earth within the first month of 9-11-01 then this is what I mean of the beginning of my PHd in Time travel that began in Late May of 1974 with them there at Bunny Flat at around 6900 feet up Everitt Memorial Highway up from the little City of Mt. Shasta here in Northern California near the Oregon Border. Elohar and Ragna had come with in a Time Space Flying Saucer (like Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back traveled forward to 2080 in.) Elohar and Ragna came and got me in May of 1974 from the first timeline from the year 7028 AD on the first timeline.

But, my story starts before this if you want it to make more sense. First I had whooping cough at age 2 and so I was dying from it and then God's Guardian Angels came in a ball of white light as big as the room we (my Scottish grandmother who spoke with a Scottish Brogue and I were in at the time). I was lying in her lap coughing like you do with whooping cough then in 1950. So, she was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and this invoked God's Guardian Angels to heal me. 

They stood there in jeweled Armor with shoulder length hair of various colors depending upon their coloration and hair color and the color of their eyes which covered them from their wrists to their neck and they wore knife sharp boot points which were also weapons along with swords of flame. So, I was seeing Archangels in person. I looked at them and wanted to go with them and be like them at age 2 and I have kept this wish my whole life to the point where I sort of feel like an angel in human form often because as an adult I consciously surround myself with angels at all times. I couldn't write what I write for all of you otherwise and have it be accurate.

So, what do I mean by a PHd in "Time Travel"?

I soul traveled eventually to the Galactic Core which is possible because I did it. But, it came from my prayers to be able to soul travel with the angels since I was about 5 years old. Archangel Gabriel came to me and prevented my trying to permanently exist my body at age 20 and told me they were giving me the ability to travel the Galaxy and into the heaven realms so I would keep my body on earth for God and the angels to work through as long as possible. Though I was upset at having to stay through what I foresaw in my 20s I honored my commitment to God that I made before I was born as a human on earth.

This is how I got a PHD in Time Travel after I spoke with the Galactic Sentience who is the leader or ruler of the Galaxy at present and likely long into the future.

By God's Grace 

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