Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I'm trying to make sense of the information I'm getting

Timeline 3 began when Trump was inaugurated.

Timeline 4 began when Putin began his pearl Harbor Cyber War with the U.S. last March 2020.

But, what do all these things mean? And where do we all go from here?

This is the unknown we all face here on earth at this time because If I'm right we are no longer on timeline 3 since March 2020, we are all on Timeline 4.

And what does that actually mean?

At present I'm not sure and likely you aren't sure either.

Could Timeline 5 begin when Biden is inaugurated?

Likely not because I've noticed that timelines tend to begin when bad things happen and not good things. And I consider Biden to be a relatively good thing for mankind whereas I would say that Trump was generally a very bad thing for mankind, especially if you wanted to stay alive which millions on earth have not because of Trump at this point. And Trump's death march will likely continue in reverberations for the next 50 years. The destruction that Trump has created to world democracies (not just our own) cannot be overestimated at this point.

The one good thing that Trump has accomplished would be that his death cycle worldwide has inadvertently prevented human extinction in 2095 on the 2nd timeline which was covered over by the 3rd timeline that began when he was inaugurated in 2017. But, if Putin has created a 4th timeline with his cyber war and the 70% more contagious and more fatal coronavirus I'm not sure where all this is going right now. But, it is not to Trump's advantage at all. In fact, this might be the end of Trump in more ways than one right now. I'm not sure that Trump even survives the next year the way all this is presently going.

Why? Because he has gone from a world leader to a completely crazy person and  he is dangerous as he is pathetic. So, this endangers his very survival during the next year. His wife and child are likely okay but his survival is presently in jeopardy because of his insane and destructive actions in so many people's lives worldwide. Revenge is toward Trump from millions on earth now. And one of them might succeed just because of the amount of revenge so many  people have for him.

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