Sunday, December 13, 2020

My Life created me to be very "Ecumenical" or all inclusive in my beliefs

I think it all started when I was a child and told something like: "The only people who will go to heaven are the people in our Mystical Christian Sect." My response always was :"What!" And because I'm a very logical and reasonable person it meant that I couldn't really accept this church tenant because it would mean only 10,000 to 30,000 people worldwide would be going to heaven. This just wasn't right.

So, the end result of this is I became very ecumenical and more apt to give people the benefit of the doubt. And then God took me to all the Christian and Buddhist and Islamic and Jewish and Brahman and other heavens surrounding the earth so God showed me I was right to not buy into this idea which was the opposite of what God wanted in the first place.

So, when God showed me the almost infinite heavens he has and will create for people and beings of all kinds it also expanded infinitely my perceptions of the universe and of God when I was a teenager traveling with God through his heavens here on earth and around earth.

During the Covid-19 the heaven realms are all the way down to the ground and under the ground and into the oceans and waters of the planet to receive all the souls passing away in every country now by the way.

The way it appears to me is that "The Population party is over" and so now people's souls have to go home.

This is the way God has explained all this to me.

By God's Grace 

Note: The implication being that humans are destroying the rest of life on earth and so we will be reduced down to a number that won't kill off all the other species that God has created too. Humans think we are so important but all species are important to God. Otherwise, why did he create them?

So, this appears to be the logic from God that I have received and why we will be reduced (through our own ignorance) down to less than 1 billion people which is a figure that keeps (usually) enough other species alive for God to be happy with the result. And likely we will be kept below 1 billion people at a time alive on earth likely after that too.

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