I just realized this. All Time lines I have realized begin with disasters like 9-11-01 the 2nd timeline began and now the next world disaster, Trump's inauguration. So, even though Trump was specifically put in place to kill off many on earth through the Coronavirus and other ways by the powers that be it's important also to know that the 3rd timeline began on his inauguration day. So, 9-11-01 the 2nd timeline began but if Hillary had become president (which she did the first time) we all went extinct in 2095 as I depicted in my book online: link is below. But, given this theory of mine regarding time lines it is also possible a new timeline was also created when Herbert Hoover triggered the Great Depression with the Stock Market Crash of 1929 which took until 1980 for the world to fully recover from through the depression and World war II and everything after that. Then the next crash of 9-11-01 caused the 2nd timeline because 5 billion people died on the first timeline the first month after 9-11-01 and within the next year 90% of the people left alive had also died except for very few up in the mountains which possibly protected them from lower winds blowing radiation dust everywhere. So, theoretically the Stock Market Crash of 1929 would have been a new timeline. Then 9-11-01 was a new 2nd timeline for us now. Now, the 3rd timeline began when Trump was put in power by the powers that be here on earth to prevent human extinction in 2095. However, if Trump doesn't leave office by this Biden Harris inauguration human extinction will occur by 2030 or 2040 because Trump is completely nuts and has the nuclear football which can annihilate earth at least 12 times without involving any other nation.
I was told that there could be as many as 5 timelines by 2050 because trying to get the human race to live past 2100 is more of a chore than people realized at first.
Also, Because of what happened because of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the fact that the U.S. didn't fully recover from this until around 1980 from my point of view I think that we need to count forward 50 years from Trump's inauguration for the world to completely recover from Trump as well.
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