Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Very warm day for December here in Northern California

Strangely enough if this were February this warmer weather wouldn't be so unusual. But, here in December it is very unusual to have 75 degreesVery warm day for December here in Northern California yesterday and almost that warm today. I'm sitting outside with no jacket or robe outside within 1 mile of the ocean at around 10:30 AM and it's already 68 feeling like I'm in Hawaii this time of year already. And I used to live in Hawaii on the Big Island and Maui in 74 and 89 and 90 so this is sort of like it can be in the winter in Hawaii.

So, global warming is happening obviously along with no rain and fires in Southern California. Luckily, we haven't had the late season fires here at least yet here in Northern California. So, I'm hopeful because we can do without the fires. My cousin isn't far from one of the fires in Southern California so that's a concern too. 

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