Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Why is Enlightenment so important?

 Because as you become more enlightened all the people become more enlightened around you too. Your friends and relatives become more enlightened just knowing you.

In other words, your becoming enlightened saves the lives of everyone you know to a greater or lesser degree.

However, you cannot save everyone because some people are going to be leaving the planet no matter what you do and it's good to prepare for this.

I remember people in my life that I thought were far stronger than I was just dying left and right as I grew up and often I was very shocked at who was gone because to me they seemed like the strongest people I knew.

But, they might have been strong in a brittle way like an oak tree that breaks in a great wind. In life you need to be resilient and not just like an oak tree but also like a willow that can blow and move in the wind in an adaptable way.

It's good to be strong but it's important to be resilient because you need to be all things to survive the world as it changes and changes and changes.

For example, I remember the 1950s all the way to the 2020s now and what a strange long ride that has been.

Everything has changed in my life, all my parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and most of my cousins have passed away now and yet I'm still here because I stay alive for my wife and children and grandchildren because the longer I live the better it will tend to be for them.

And I stay alive to share whatever enlightenment I have garnered along the way so far.

By God's Grace

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