Tuesday, August 31, 2021

One of the more interesting things in the last 1 1/2 years since covid hit the earth:

Is that people (because of isolation) have mostly become a lot more telepathic being more alone than before trying to stay alive and not die of Covid. As more and more people just cannot cope with isolation they give up and often get Covid and some of them die and others get brain fog or Covid Dementia or something like this. But, those that have spent more time alone and have found their center have also become more spiritual and telepathic.

So, the ones not driven completely insane by all of this are becoming more interesting by the day. My son, who has a BS in Nursing from a CSU university told me that the probability is that literally everyone in the U.S. likely will get Covid (one way or the other) by September or October (which is why being vaccinated might be really important to everyone's survival through all of this.

So, the telepathic thing I think is really interesting because it reminds me a lot of how Catholics retreat and get more spiritual sometimes or Tibetan Monks spend 4 months to become a monk walled off in the dark while doing Tibetan Buddhist practices. I met a Tibetan Buddhist Monk while staying at a monastery in Rewalsar, India a few hours by bus from Dharamshala, India where the Dalai Lama lives and he showed me his fingernails and hair from growing his hair and nails for 4 months which he kept in a box as a sign of mastery that he had actually accomplished this without going insane or mad like some people do who can't be in the dark that long. I met one guy who didn't make it through the 4 months in the dark and he seemed pretty troubled by what he had experienced.

Sensory deprivation makes people hallucinate which is why people climb into John Lilly Sensory deprivation tanks to have mystical experiences. However, if you don't want those kinds of experiences the whole Covid isolation thing might be problematic for a whole lot of people.

So, during these times your home is sort of like your monastery where you can survive this whole time. This might be a way to look upon all this during these times when millions are dying or getting covid senile dementia or other problems around the world.

Your home is your retreat and your safe place to grow spiritually so you can survive these times worldwide. It is your monastery and safe place of retreat during these times worldwide now.

By God's Grace 

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