Tuesday, August 31, 2021

What happens when one segment of Americans are 29 times more likely to go to the hospital?

Exactly what we are now observing in Southern States where people are dying a lot and filling hospitals. 

OF course I'm referring to the anti-vaxers dying in droves now or getting Covid Senile dementia in Droves nationwide.

Now this new South African Variant is also troubling called C.1.2 where it might be even more contagious than the Delta Variant.

My best friend now believes that everyone should be forced to be vaccinated. I think that is unrealistic because you would have people being shot in the streets instead of women pulling each others hair out on Youtube because some will wear masks and some won't.

I just found out that my step-daughter also believes that everyone should be forced to get vaccinated.

However, follow my logic here. Even if you forced every American and every European to get vaccinated Variants will still arise from Africa, South America, Asia, and the Islands of the world simply because this is what naturally will happen when everyone isn't vaccinated.

So, my logic is that why force everyone here to get vaccinated if variants are still going to be coming here from other places and infecting people anyway?

The other problem we are going to see is the families in denial who lose relatives are likely going to get even more crazy after their relatives and friends die of Covid when they are in denial that it even exists just like there are people dying in denial that they are even dying of Covid to begin with.

So, I don't think we have fully seen just how insane people are going to get from losing loved ones to Covid who are still in denial that that's what they even died from.

So, forcing vaccinations will likely only cause people getting shot and stabbed more and that's all here in the U.S. 

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