Monday, August 30, 2021

In the 1960s everyone knew the government was complicit in the deaths of JFK, Bobby, Martin Luther King etc.

This is why the confidence in the U.S. government in the 1960s plummeted from around 75% confidence to around 11% confidence then and still today. 

So, when I listen to the news I believe CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC about 50% of the time. I believe Fox news less than 10% of the time because they just say anything to make money for rich Republicans without caring about human rights, who lives or dies, climate change or hurricanes or tornadoes or anything else.

However, I still remember the 1960s and just how far the Government fell in everyone's estimation when they realized that JFK, Bobby, Martin Luther King, etc. were all murdered by people in our own government for their own purposes. This problem was only made worse by the Viet Nam war in which my generation were most of those who died or who still are homeless on the streets with PTSD from that war.

People still haven't gotten over it. However, Trump putting down CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, or CBS doesn't help our country either.

Unless our country can somewhat believe the same things then we are headed eventually for a civil war whether that war is psychological or physical or both. This is the problem with Fox News and Trump points of view everywhere. Fox and Trump are just going to get thousands to millions of Americans killed or in jail and that's really all they are going to do over time with their lies. Look at the soon to be 700,000 Covid Dead Americans. Would they all be dead if it weren't for Trump? Think about this for a moment.

After watching Biden and his wife and the Biden Government paying respects to the 13 who died in the bomb blast in Kabul I heard tonight that Republican conservatives said Biden didn't honor the dead.

But, I just watched them honor the dead on CNN!

But, I guess if you aren't watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC you might not have seen it, would you?

See. This is the problem when people lie like that on Fox and ultra conservative networks who likely chose not to show Biden and his government honoring the dead at Dover Air Force Base when the bodies of the fallen were returned from Afghanistan to the U.S.

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