Friday, July 29, 2022

A totalitarian state is the worst kind to be in during Global Climate changes. Why?

Because a Totalitarian state like Russia or China doesn't move quickly at a grass roots level enough to save it's people from weather disasters. So, you will see mass groups of people dying in Russia and China because of inaction on all sorts of global Climate change issues.

By the way, I also believe that Global Climate changes are the primary reason Putin attacked Ukraine. The Ukraine war is a smokescreen so people don't notice how many in Russia are dying from Global Climate changes every day. So, you don't hear about the deaths in Russia though you are starting to hear about all the deaths from flooding in China. 

The quickest responses to global climate changes will be from the democracies of the world because they tend to be more grass roots and efficient in responding to extreme crises caused by global Climate changes.

So, we likely could see both the Russian and the Chinese government collapse eventually caused primarily by global climate changes as people get so upset with their families dying that they organize against these governments one by one around the world.

However, then you have to look at countries like North Korea to see just how bad things could actually get in Russia and China too.

So, being in a well run democracy you have a much better chance of staying alive the next 20 to 50 years here on earth than in a dictatorship anywhere on earth.

Because the weather is going to get progressively worse and worse over time in every way worldwide.

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