Friday, July 29, 2022

How Striking down Roe V. Wade has created a de facto social and legal war between the states now

If you study history the civil war began really (socially and legally) when northern States wouldn't send back escaped slaves from the south. This social and legal battle between northern and southern States helped create the civil war.

In an age of computers and machines to do literally almost everything for us it might be hard to imagine when most machines except for steam trains and cotton mills didn't exist. So, literally all labor on southern farms was done by slaves.

So, when Northern states wouldn't send back their slaves to the south the Southern States saw this as if their cars and trucks had been stolen by northern States and they wouldn't give them back. So, in some ways southerners saw this as stealing their goods (as in slaves) from a purely southern point of view even though today we see this as incredibly cruel for the slaves.

Likewise now, when you take away abortion rights in red (Republican) dominated states, you make women slaves to the system and especially minority women become slaves to the system by ending Roe V. Wade.

As Blue states protect women who come to blue states from red states to live and to have abortions, Red States are going to fight those blue states in courts across the land and this will tend to create first socially as in now, then legally and then it is possible that either Red or Blue States will secede from the Union and form their own country much like the South Seceded from the Union during the civil war.

The other civil war issue presently is gun rights. Only 7 states presently outlaw Assault weapons (even though the definition of what an Assault weapon is differs wildly often from state to state and from county to county and from City to City across our nation).

So, Abortion and gun rights are the two main drivers of a presently happening social Civil War presently going on which is leading to a legal civil war between the states which could also result in a Bloody civil war especially as thousands of women die without access to legal and safe abortions in their states.

The men surrounding these women dying will be fighting mad and ready to fight to protect other women after their women have died from the end of Roe V. Wade.

I expect it to get violent within 5 to 10 years more than it presently is over abortion between red (Republican) and Blue (Democratically run) states.

It seems pretty inevitable now.

Ending Roe V. Wade might have ended our democracy permanently at this point in history. We will just have to wait and see. 

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