Saturday, July 30, 2022

The first physical incarnation in time and space that I can remember was 7 million years ago

And this incarnation was NOT as a human being. Strangely enough, it was as a boulder or rock that could roll to wherever it wanted to roll. There was no atmosphere on earth (if that's where I was then) unless I was on a moon somewhere (not sure where I was exactly). I'm not even sure if it was 7 million years ago even though that feels about right.

You see, our souls don't naturally live in time and space, in fact our souls as we call them live in the 96% of the universe without matter. Galaxies and matter are only about 4% or less of the universe and what is called "Unknown Matter" is the other 96% of the known universe.

However, humans have a hard time understanding a place that has no time or space which is what unknown matter really is. However, from unknown or sometimes called "Dark Matter" galaxies are built by the Creator species which is what I call our souls.

The Creator species (our souls of most of mankind on earth) can each potentially live for billions of years or more precisely because we don't naturally live in time and space to begin with. Because of this, imagine time and space are rules to a video game you are playing where time and space don't actually exist in your natural state because there is only BEING.

From  state of consciousness like PURE BEING one is already in all times and spaces naturally. So, this is why some people call beings like this "Souls" and sometimes refer to them as gods or even angels when in actuality they are a species that doesn't naturally live in time and space but can when they want to.

So, each of our souls is most likely one of the Creator Species because incarnating as humans and other species is what old Creators often do instead of dying after living billions of years. Mortality and time and space makes us appreciate being alive and all our progeny, Children, grandchildren and so on usually want us to stay alive as long as possible anyway so they don't have grief problems just like what happens here on earth regarding human beings.

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