Saturday, July 30, 2022

What is the most important thing for long term survival? Kindness to yourself and others

Without kindness towards yourselves and others people often slowly or quickly self destruct. It's not enough to be kind to others, unless you are also kind to yourselves self destructive behavior tends to become engrained.

For example, drinking too much or taking a lot of illegal drugs isn't being kind to yourself or others. Driving faster than you can feasibly survive isn't kind to yourself or others.

So, learning to be kind to yourself is a lot like adopting yourself as your own child and taking care of yourself like you have adopted yourself as a child. By doing this you help create an ethical and kind person as yourself and towards all others and this is the most likely person to live a long and happy life. 

Being kind to yourself and others allows people to be more kind towards you too and this also helps you survive as people around you become more helpful to you over time also.

By God's Grace

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