Sunday, July 31, 2022

Warmer Air can hold more water moisture which tends to increase flooding worldwide

 Scientifically, warmer air can hold much more water than colder air so this will tend to increase the severity of Floods worldwide as more rain can come down than before. So, where there is moisture in the air there will be more flooding and where there is drought there could be more drought. So, we have this paradox of living places on earth where some places there will be no rain and other places will be flooded again and again.

So, where will people tend to choose to live to survive this?

Likely, many people will choose to live on the borders of droughts and flooding to be able to have enough water in their lives without being flooded out one or more times a year and without droughts so bad that there is no water at all in places from California in the Sierras to southern parts of Nevada to Arizona to New Mexico to parts of Texas and parts of Utah. Eastern Oregon might also fall into this drought category too over time. Since this present drought is over 20 years now it could theoretically continue for some time or turn into something else also at any given point. We will just have to see where it is feasible to live and where it is not now worldwide because everyone needs enough water without being drowned in it but no one can easily survive with no water at all in a continuous drought.

Of course in a drought one can haul water from other places that have enough but this doesn't necessarily allow farming in those droughted areas either. Likewise if you have flooding every year this also floods out any crops being grown and washes them away like what has been happening in China.

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