Sunday, July 31, 2022

why the theory of Synchronicity made sense to me

As a natural intuitive I had already experienced countless times how everything is connected to everything to the point where there is no real way to separate one person from another or one tree or rock from a person or animal or the earth or sky or sea. So, this experience of oneness with the whole universe and even all time and space is a constant one for me. When someone described this theory of Synchronicity it always made perfect sense to me because I had already experienced that there was no way really to separate myself from the entire rest of the universe.

People often try to isolate into their own bodies but often this is counterproductive for many different reasons. Instead I take the opposite view of experiencing all time and space as myself as a way to get closer to God which gives me great comfort. 

Also, by always experiencing all time and space all the time,  physical death is much less of a shock because you are already sort of prepared for one part of you changing forms.

By God's Grace

Besides, through soul travel I experienced over time how the physical universe ONLY really exists inside the mind of God and isn't really physical like we think at all. So, what is the universe then? It is some or all of the thoughts of God but not physical like we think. It is what God wants us to play and learn inside of: His Mind.

By God's Grace

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