Friday, July 29, 2022

Both parties aren't working very well here in the U.S.

 Why is the Republican party this way?

It has become more and more corrupt sort of like Trump has always been by kowtowing to big corporations mostly. So, by taking bribes from the biggest corporations ongoing the Republican party (much of it) has lost it's way (at least the part of the party supporting Trump is this way).

What's wrong with the Democratic Party?

The Democratic party has the opposite problem as the Republican party. 

Being a BIG TENT party it tries to be everything to everyone and when you try to do this you always fail miserably because it isn't realistic to be everything to everyone. This is the main problem with the Democratic party.

Because when you try to be everything to everyone you wind up being sort of a liar to everyone because it just isn't possible to be everything to everyone.

So, as a result both the Democratic party and the Republican party are mostly liars. So, it just depends upon what kind of liars you want to support which is why so many people are completely turned off to politics right now in our country.

However, to not do anything is to risk the end of our democracy and be headed towards a totalitarian state much like Russia or China.

So, how does one navigate all this?

You do what you can to try to save our democracy from all sorts of forces who don't seem to understand the consequences for everyone on earth of what they are doing.

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