Thursday, November 17, 2022

It might be time to begin to prepare (even if it is psychologically) for the Climate changes coming

 We have all noticed how different the weather is from the 20th Century that have lived long enough to see this like myself. I was born around 1950 so I had at least 50 years to see what the climate was before. 

Here in California the climate changes mean for us (A Drought since around 2000 AD), 10% less water available in the whole state during the next year as expected by our California Governor, People tearing out lawns because there isn't enough water to water lawns anymore in California (unless it is really little), people putting succulent Gardens or Cactus Gardens in to replace their lawns (especially in Southern California). Even where we live on the coast we reduce our water usage by putting in wood chips and rock around our house and keeping large pine and OakTrees and some  other bushes and keeping our roses but not a lot of other plants as a way to save water. The trees are mostly pine and Oak which are native to our area long term and so do well even in a drought (especially the oaks). So, as you can see Californians are having to give up their gardens and lawns that need a lot of water and move towards more plants from the deserts of California and world that don't usually need much water. This is happening to a greater or lesser degree all over the state now and likely will continue on into the future.

For example, in places like MT. Shasta where I lived on and off from 1976 until 1992, it's true there was a year 1992 when there was 12 feet of snow in town. But, during the 1980s where I built my house at 4000 feet elevation it was also common to have 7 or 8 feet of snow which is why I built an A-Frame so it could shed snow rather than collapse the roof if I wasn't there when the snow came down to shovel it off the roof. 

But now, you likely would never see ever more than 1 to 4 feet at any time of the year 4000 feet or below. So, basically there is usually about 1/2 the amount of snow as before and often it is less than this because of drought conditions there and in Southern Oregon too often.

And the drought just gets worse as you move down through California. However, there is a change that is somewhat helpful. The Summer monsoons coming up from Mexico often now come over into Southern California and bring rain up as far north as Bakersfield or higher which is good too for Southern California. So, I noticed that it comes up about as far as San Luis Obispo, but if you get north further than Atascadero the monsoons usually don't go beyond there on the coast. But, this could change also just like everything else is every day of every year now.

In Maui, Hawaii the water splashes over often on the lower road from Kihei to Lahaina now too and the hotels in Kaanapali, Maui are worried that eventually their lower floors will be under water within 20 years time because of Beach erosion and rising waters from the doomsday Glacier in Antarctica which could raise ocean waters 16 feet within 20 years time the way it is melting.

This would put most of Bangladesh underwater by the way.

So, this is affecting all coastal cities built on the ocean worldwide because it will be a 16 foot rise everywhere next to oceans on earth because all the oceans are connected worldwide.

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