Monday, November 7, 2022

When you first wake up after spending the night with God and Angels is often the best time to write about what God and angels are sharing with you

 This is going to be more and more important. If you are not a writer then I would if I were you record either through a video on your phone or through just a sound recording on your Smart phone what God shares with you through dreams or visions during the night or day. It's very important now for your family's survival to begin to do this because weather is going to be more and more critical so your visions will protect you and your families more and more through the coming times.

It's possible that people who aren't tuning into their dreams and visions and listening to God and Angels will not survive at all here on earth during the next Century.

So, only people who eat right and think straight will be the ones who survive.

At this point alcohol and drugs might more than ever cause your deaths and the deaths of your families through the lack of clarity of thought in listening to God and Angels.

I have found if I listen to what angels and God tell me I am always okay in the long run and very often in the short run too.

Something to think about.

By God's Grace

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