Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Writing can be helpful

Just like writing to the ancients was always considered "magic" it can be magic in your life when you write something one day and read it another, days, weeks, months or years later.

I often am amazed at what God has written through me months or years later. Most of my writings before 1980 I no longer have either because I was moving around too much or my mother threw a lot of what I wrote away along with my comic book collection which would be worth a mint now. But, my mother didn't understand all that in the 1960s. So, most of my writings from about 1980 I still have mostly because of computers. I think it might have started with my TRS-80 1978 but I can't remember if a had a printer with that one just a cassette player interface at that time with only 4k operating system and only when it was turned on so you had to load it every time from a cassette tape to actually have something that knew anything then in 1978. But, within 10 years about 1987 I purchased an IBM Clone AT Computer with a color printer for about 2500 dollars then from Silicon Valley and ever since then since I type pretty fast I have had a good hard copy of most of the things I have written since 1980 or so that I did a lot either longhand or typewriter before around 1987. I was 32 in 1980 so what I have left is mostly what I have written since 1980 and much of this has been converted to which is an archive site I have paid for since around 2007 when I got this site too. I did have another site at from June of 1999 until 2007 when I converted a lot of it to either this site or

So, typing up your writings and printing them into hard copy is one way to keep them no matter what system you have as a computer ever after. You need to print your writings out so you don't lose them. And then think of a safe place for them (even if it is a safe deposit box somewhere) if you are traveling a lot in your life. Have more than one copy of what you write so you don't lose some of your best writings by accident. So, you have the copies several places in case of fire or someone accidentally throwing out your writings not realizing how important they are to you and potentially others as well.

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