Tuesday, September 13, 2011

White Tara

When I was in Dharamsala, India where there is the Tibetan Government in Exile at about 6000 feet in elevation in Himachal Pradesh I bought a poster of the 21 Taras. Tara is a figure in Tibetan Buddhism which would be in some ways similar to Mother Mary in Christianity. In otherwords she is a representation of Divine Mother. The Taras I am most familiar with are Green Tara who represents if you invoke her all 21 Taras.   Then White Tara is "Long Life White Tara" which enables people to live a very long time with good health and a minimum of injuries. The purpose of which is for that person to do good works while living a long and good life. There is also Gold Tara who brings wealth of every good thing. The last Tara that I am very familiar with is Wrathful Grandmother. Her name is Ekajati and she is the ultimate female protector diety.

  A Bodhisattva is someone who has taken a vow to help all beings to become enlightened. And a Buddha is someone who is a Bodhisattva who has become fully enlightened and realized to the point where all beings become aware of it according to their own capacity when witnessing the Buddha. From this point of view Most of the fully realized spiritual beings on earth would be considered Buddhas along with many fully realized Tulkus or Rinpoches. The word "Rinpoche actually means "Precious" like a living jewel. If you have ever met a real Tulku or Rinpoche it is likely that you would never forget this experience because it is unlike any other.

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