Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 Merlin, the boy was walking through the forest near his home. He loved the sounds of the birds and forest creatures. A horse came running through the forest with a rider on board that surreptitiously knocked him down on his way to who knows where. As Merlin, the boy, bounced off a tree from the force of the horses forward movement he was angry and he half smiled as a limb drew down from a tree which knocked the rider from his horse.

The man it turns out was a king. And his name was King Uther (the father of Arthur). As the King lay there unconscious Merlin at first thought of killing the man for hitting him with his horse and knocking him against the tree to where his head hurt. But then one of his protecting spirits said, "This is your opportunity. This man is a King. If you nurse this man back to health it will take you to your destiny."

Merlin being the kind of boy that talked to the spirits of the forest all the time heeded their call to his future destiny. For most people of that time the opportunity even to live until 20 years of age didn't exist. So, when opportunity knocked those that lived a long time tended to listen.

So, Merlin caught the King's horse and cut small trees to drag the king to his small modest home in the woods near the stream with his horse. (Merlin was only about 9 or 10 and too small to lift the King back onto his horse). Merlin's mother gathered herbs to help bring the King back to consciousness. While the King was unconscious he moaned in his sleep a cried out for help from his men.

While the King was delirious Merlin listened attentively to his guiding spirits regarding all this. They said, "Listen to his mind and dreams and join him in his dreams. If he finds he can trust you he will take you with him and train you to be a healer and to be more of a man of real magic."

So, it took about a day and a half for the King to regain consciousness. When he first came to he said, "Where am I? Where is my sword and my knife?" Merlin showed the King that they were leaning against the wall in their scabbords. Because Merlin was only a boy and only his mother was there, Uther didn't feel very threatened and was greatful for their help. Also, he was retreating from a battle at the time all this happened. So, he said, "How long have I been here?" And Merlin said, "Almost two days, Sire" At this Uther smiled. He thought of how his men likely went back to his nearby castle to regroup. So he said, "I will pay you handsomely if you lead my horse to the nearby castle." Merlin thought about this carefully because he didn't want to just be Uther's slave. He said, "I'd like to be trained as one of your healers since my mother and I saved your life."
Uther looked carefully at the boy and realized this was no ordinary boy. He had something more: intelligence? Wisdom? Gifts? He didn't know for sure but whatever it was it was something very rare and special. King Uther said, "I will take you to my healers and magicians and Seers. If they find you worthy then they will train you." Merlin said, "Good enough!"


As Uther with Merlin running along beside him entered the castle walls a Great Seer named Pythagoras watched the boy Merlin running next to King Uther's horse and smiled.

Later when Merlin was brought before  the Great Seer Pythagoras said to Merlin in a private moment, "I have been waiting here for you for a very long time." Merlin said, Oh Great Seer
what do you mean?" Pythagoras, Uther's Seer said, "Just what I said boy. You are important to the future of England. You will muster some of the forces and dreams of the people that will enable England to long survive into the future!"

Merlin didn't know whether he believed any of this or not. But still his forest spirit friends had told him that with Uther came the opportunities of his future. So, maybe making friends with Pythagoras would help him to live a long time and fulfill his destiny as a man.

So, Pythagorus became Merlin's mentor and sort of took him under his wing so to speak. So, his lessons began and he began treating the sick in Uther's family as one of the assistant healers and Seers of Uther's court at that time.

By the time Merlin was 15 he was a very proficient healer and Seer himself. Pythagoras had passed away and left his extensive library of documents from around the world gathered during his long life. Most of the languages written on these documents Pythagoras could read. And so he had either taught most of the written languages to Merlin or he had left dictionaries with the basic words of these languages written on parchments so Merlin could translate the parchments when he needed to for medical or Seer research.

When Merlin had first met King Uther he was a very young king still of about 20 to 25 years of age and now Uther was nearing 30. (It is important to understand that when most people die before 35 or 40 adulthood for many begins between 12 and 15 years of age out of the necessity of almost everyone dying so young). So, by the time Merlin was 15 he was considered an adult much like a 20 year old in our times today.

So, when a relative of King Uther's fell ill in Normandy(in what is now called France) who was his sister married to a King there, Merlin was packed up and sent to help heal her. Her name was Queen Lorraine of Normandy. While he was successfully there healing her back to health he met another healer there from the Middle East and this man had been to Jerusalem and so Merlin thought he would like to go there as well. So, he wound up joining a delegation to the Middle East from Normandy when he went there as one of the traveling healers for the group. Uther gave his permission as he thought that a well rounded education and seeing the world would be helpful to him when Merlin eventually returned.

However, as they crossed the Mediterranean ocean on a ship a storm came up and the ship was dashed upon the rocks of then Israel before it could land and Merlin being a magician and because he could swim and didn't wear armor this combination of things allowed him to survive. Most of the crew died in the mishap. So, Merlin was captured by a Bedouin band and once they found out he was a great healer they wanted his healing gifts for their leader. This leader had many camel caravans that traveled throughout the middle east all the way to Afghanistan as this was his livelihood. On one of these trips Merlin had to accompany the Caravan owner's  son and other family members through Iraq and Iran to Afghanistan. However, in Afghanistan they were waylayed by thieves who killed most of the group. Because Merlin knew how to make himself invisible as a magician by then. Also, Merlin grew up in the woods of England and knew how to hunt and to take care of himself in the most difficult of circumstances always.

So, after most died in his group he simply crept away up into the mountains to regroup. He didn't think the rest of the group would survive the night. But he would.  There he met other magicians like himself who recognized his aura as he began to walk up into the mountains.  One of them came out of a large cave to greet him and said, "We have been waiting for you for a long time." Merlin said, "I had an old friend named Pythagoras that once said something like that to me." The man simply smiled and led him into a cave where many men were meditating there together.

Remember, Merlin has studied most major languages then known on earth so could speak a little of one or more languages of almost any area because he was taught by Pythagoras not only languages but also quick useful skills in learning new languages. Once you learn one new language it is easier to learn another and another and another. Since often people who travel like caravan leaders and others also speak many languages to do business, Merlin often spent his time around the campfires at night while traveling with the caravan learning the languages of whatever area he was in. Merlin was always a very intelligent and resourceful fellow. Besides, if you understand the local languages,  you also begin to understand the people and therefore have a better chance of knowing when to run or fight or whatever you need to do to survive at all times night and day. end note. 

The leader of this ascetic group  came out of his meditations and said, "Ah. the lotus Born one appears." Now Merlin didn't know what to make of this so he just said, "Thank you revered father for you greeting." And the leader who was called Krishna said, "We have been waiting for you to arrive for a long time. Will you teach us your healing methods and what you know and of your home country?"

Merlin said, "If you will feed me and give me a place to stay out of the snow and cold winds I will teach you." And Krishna said, "Agreed!" So Merlin, now a 20 year old sat and taught these ascetic men his life's history and of all he had learned. After several months of this Krishna said, "Are you ready to learn what we have to teach you?" Merlin said, "Yes. I would be grateful for anything you share with me."

So, Krishna smiled and lifted off the ground so no hands or feet were touching the earth. Now Merlin smiled and said, "I had heard that this was possible but I had never seen this done before. How long does this magic take to learn?"

Krishna looked deep into Merlin and said, "For you, because of who you are and of what you already have learned likely this would take less than a month. But if you were starting from scratch even with abilities this would take likely 5 years."

So, Merlin said, "So. I can learn to fly within one month?"
Krishna smiled and said, "You can learn to lift off the ground within one month like I am here."
So, Merlin learned from Krishna how to levitate several feet off the ground. But when he tried to move while levitating he kept falling back to earth. So he went back to Krishna and said, "I have mastered levitating but now I would like to travel this way as it seems easier than walking places."
Krishna laughed and said, "Well. That might take 6 months for you. Are you willing to take that long to learn this?"

Merlin said, "Well. It likely would take 6 months to walk back home and even then it wouldn't be safe most places over the ground or seas. So, why not learn this and fly home in a few days?"

Krishna said, "You are a very wise and practical man. You are a blessing to your homeland and the world!"

So, Krishna laughed in glee as Merlin floated up from his meditations and out the door of the cave. Krishna stood smiling and laughing as Merlin bounced along at first getting his "Wings". All that morning Merlin would move along the ground at first with legs folded in meditation. But, after a time he realized it hurt when he lost his concentration and hit the ground suddenly. So, he learned to move with his legs down sort of like the landing gear of a plane. Krishna had mentioned that some adepts he had known used carpets to fly on as a psychological advantage. However, for Merlin, carpets were not a part of his useful psychology for this. So, Merlin like most in the Himalayas preferred to fly and float through the air legs down for quick landings.

So, as Merlin flew he first landed on the very top of a tree and saw Krishna chuckling in the distance with happiness and pride of his very amazing pupil. Then Merlin began to laugh himself as he got better at all this at the feeling of pride and satisfaction, much like one who becomes proficient at riding a bike or motorcycle or driving a car or truck. It is a lot like this in the end. So, the smile on Merlin's face grew wider and wider as he got better and better at concentrating on maintaining a certain state of consciousness necessary for human flight with no technology other than his brain and heart and consciousness.

As Merlin landed on one of his first days of flying in front of Krishna. Krishna said to him, "I want to teach you Tsumo which is vital body heat. You will need this when you land on top of  Mt. Kailash and other peaks."

Merlin looked a little incredulous at Krishna and said, "Why would I want to do that?"
Krishna said, "Originally when Masters like you and I began flying they did it as a spiritual empowerment and they completed their Empowerments by going to the tops of the highest mountains because by doing this no one else could do this and live. Others of us flew up into the sky until we couldn't breathe anymore and some passed out and died because they thought they could fly to heaven. And who's to say, by passing out and dying maybe they did reach heaven or the heaven realms?

Merlin looked carefully at Krishna trying to gauge what he was really saying. It was at this point that Merlin wished he could go home right then as he missed his home and friends there.

After spending several days practicing Tsumo or "Vital Heat" Merlin tried trying to melt through the ice in nearby streams by sitting on it with his body until he melted through into the stream below. He sat with Krishna doing this facing each other while meditating "Tsumo" or "Vital Heat" until they crashed through the ice one by one Krishna first until all one could see was their heads and eyes looking out over the snow with their bodies down into the stream. They stayed like this for several hours not drowning and not moving while concentrating and keeping body heat and levitating out of the water enough not to drown.

Finally, Krishna was satisfied and said, "Now you are ready to go up to the top of Mt. Kailash and all the tops of the mountains one by one as soon as your clothes dry out. Just remember not to stay up there very long or you will pass out because the air is very thin. It is a part of our order that you either make it or you don't. If you don't make it I cannot rescue you. It is a part of our training and our ways. But if you don't make it I will pray for your soul to go to a good Heaven."

So, the two of them flew back into the cave to regroup. When Merlin's clothes dried out he lifted off and prepared to fly out the door of the cave. As he flew out the door it was almost sunset. So he decided to watch the sunset from the top of Mt. Kailash. And so he did!

But, Krishna was right they air was thin but just before he was going to pass out when the last rays of sunlight dropped below the edge of the world he suddenly slipped sideways and dropped immediately about 10,000 feet so he could breathe more easily once again. Merlin was very amazed that a human was capable of this. He looked with his inner sight into the future and saw birds built by men flying overhead and humans with strange tanks on that they breathed through climbing up to where he had just been.

And he realized that in those days learning to fly like he was now might die out as technology eclipsed mind over matter to some degree (at least for awhile here on earth).

So, Merlin learned not only to levitate but to fly long distances without getting tired out by walking or running. He found that levitating and flying mostly has to do with how one perceives reality. And once one gets into the right way to perceive reality flying is as effortless as breathing. So, it can be a very restful way to travel as long as the weather is good.

Krishna said, "I would like you to fly now to Nalanda University in India to take a message to my brother there. Since I taught you to fly you owe me this!" Even though Merlin who had by now been away from home for over 5 years now was really missing England he felt he had to honor his teacher's wishes. So, he dutifully made copies of the maps Krishna had in his mind and flew to Nalanda University where Buddhist teachings were taught to monks and  royalty.

As Merlin neared Nalanda University he felt the power of the place. And when he landed he felt a peace and a compassion and the heaven realms seemed very near to this place. And when he delivered the message to Krishna's brother who was one of the Abbots there, the Abbot realized that Merlin was a Mahasiddha in the making after he realized that Merlin had flown there. He especially knew that Merlin was a Mahasiddha in the making when other Mahasiddhas told him that Merlin was to become a great Mahsiddha too. So, the Abbot asked Merlin if he would consent to help heal a local king, since the message contained the fact that Merlin was also a trained healer. Merlin consented to help heal the King.

When he was taken to see the King, Merlin wasn't expecting the kind of injury that he found. It appeared that the King had been wounded in battle and the open wound wasn't healing. In England it was common to cauterize such a wound by heating a sword in the fire and searing the flesh together from the heat of the fire upon the sword. But it was too late for this here. So, Merlin knocked the King out with medicine and built a small fire upon the wound to kill the bacteria and to seal and to cauterize the wound because a sword couldn't be used at this stage of infection. By some miracle the treatment worked even though it left a bad scar upon the kings leg. The king completely recovered within one month of Merlin's treatment and because he had expected to die from infection, he showered both Merlin and Nalanda University with gifts.

The whole experience completely changed Merlin's life in many new ways. Even though he greatly missed England, he also realized that it would be snowing there now this time of year whereas here it was tropical and beautiful. So Merlin felt very torn between staying in India and flying home to England.

Merlin had remarkably good health for anyone of those times. He decided to learn from the local Mahasiddhas siddhis like raising one's body from the dead and other healing rituals. The Mahasiddhas gathered around him one day. One of them said, "You are the youngest and healthiest among us. We see in the future Nalanda University being overcome by foreign armies and Buddhism all but wiped out here in India. So, we want you to take Buddhism into Tibet because it will be safe there for hundreds of years still. So, would you do that for us?"

Merlin, because he was an honorable man agreed with the Mahasiddhas and decided to take Buddhism up into Tibet so it would not completely die out when it was overrun by other religions in the coming years. On his way he stopped in Rewalsar and met a Princess name Mandharava

Mandarava - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Merlin met her in Rewalsar, India up in the Himalayas while he was on his way to Tibet. She was a Princess of a local King. Mandarava wanted Merlin (who she knew as Padmasambhava "Lotus Born") which was the name given to Merlin by Krishna in Afghanistan. And the name stuck to Merlin in Nalanda University through Krishna's brother the Abbot of Nalanda. As he was flying by, Mandarava called to him, "Oh Great Teacher! Come to Earth to Teach me to be like you." Normally Merlin wouldn't be affected by someone doing this being a very focused kind of person. However, he saw that she was sincere, beautiful and gifted and obviously was a Princess of this area. So, he dropped down to Earth to talk to her. She ran up to him and bowed on the ground to his feet as was the custom then in that area of the world. He said, "What is it Princess? How can I help you?" Princess Mandarava said, "Please Great Teacher Mahasiddha. Teach me how to be like you?" Merlin said, "This is unusual for anyone to ask let alone a Princess. Will your father, the King agree to this?" Princess Mandarava said, "It is all on me will you or will you not make me your student?" Merlin agreed seeing great Karmic and Dharma benefit to all living beings would come from making her his student. 

So, he grabbed her by the arm and flew her up to the top of the nearest mountain. Her bodyguards saw this and half of them ran to get the King and the other half ran up the mountain to fetch their Princess or at the very least to look out for her. Within a day or so the King returned to fetch his daughter the Princess. But when they tried to take her away she had already learned the Siddhi(Magical empowerment) of melting rocks so as they tried to take her away she melted her hands into the rocks like they were clay and wouldn't let go. So, rather than rip her arms out of their sockets they allowed her to stay there with her guards. 

However, then the King's Guards also arrested Merlin (Padmasambhava) and tied him to a stake and set the stake on fire to burn him for taking the Princess away. However, Merlin (Padmasambhava) turned the stake into a lake and put out the fire and then flew up 1000 feet into the air and flew to a very high rock and melted his feet prints into a rock (I have seen these in person) in Rewalsar, India in Himachal Pradesh state about 5 hours by bus from Dharamshala, India.(Also about 1 hour or so by bus from Mandi where Mandarava is from).

At this point the King realized he wasn't dealing with a normal man but a Mahasiddha because only someone thus gifted could have done this. Since the King wanted to stay alive he let Padmasambhava be and so Rewalsar, India became famous for yet another reason.

Rewalsar, India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, at this point Merlin as  Padmasambhava flew to Tibet and through King Tri son Detsun helped Buddhism meld with the local Bon Po religions until it became what we call Tibetan Buddhsim today.

Trisong Detsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And in time Buddhism was swept away from most of India by invading armies. Even though there are many Buddhists in India today most were wiped out or had to hide their religion when India was invaded more than once.

So now, Merlin had two identities. But, he realized he could easily fly back and forth between England and the Himalayas and take care of both his souls responsibilities. So, having won the Dharma battle in Tibet while both Tibetan Buddhism was accepted by King Tri son Detsun

As you can see God or Buddha or Nature Spirits or "Life evolving" brought Merlin in  wisdom to change the world in multiple ways. It changed Buddhism and Tibet in that there was a place near Lumbini where Buddha was born that stayed Buddhist while armies ravaged India and Buddhism was nearly wiped out there and Nalanda University was destroyed and most of the Abbots and monks and students were either put to death or ran away to become anonymous. And later it through Merlin changed England into a form that could be sustained through time partly through the legends of King Arthur and the round table and of "Magical swords" that still live in the Tower of London today. And still today Christianity is often a cultural blending of the times of Merlin blended perfectly with Christianity and Christian Brotherhood into the world we all live in today in England and even in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all around the world. All of us who share a common language in spoken English now share this bond of the legends of Merlin and King Arthur and of Christianity and Christian Brotherhood to this day.

After establishing Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet Merlin (Padmasambhava) flew home to England and helped Arthur be born and guided him to be "The stuff that legends are made of". And when I visited King Arthur's grave last October in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey it finally made it possible for me to write of all this.   

Uther Pendragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Merlin returned for awhile to England Uther had aged considerably and asked what had happened to Merlin? Merlin said, "I went to the Holy Lands as you bade me but the ship crashed on the rocks and most died and I was captured by Bedouins who sent me to Afghanistan on a Camel Pack train. Uther said, "My God! I'm amazed you survived all that! Thank God you were young enough to make it through all that. How did you make it back safely?"

Merlin said, "Well. I studied with Magic Users on my way and taught them my healing skills. They taught me ways to survive almost anything!" King Uther's eyes widened and he said to Merlin, "I have to have Igraine." Merlin sort of tried to not look disgusted with Uther but his spirits had already told him the Name Igraine was to be the future King Arthur's mother. So, Merlin slyly said to Uther, "I will give you Igraine if you promise me the child if one is born. Uther seemed angry but knew that since Igraine was already married to one of Uther's Lords that this likely was the only way to have Igraine, who for some reason he could no longer live without. Angrily, Uther said, "I agree!"

Igraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


King Arthur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, because what was important here it appeared was not necessarily the needs of Uther or necessarily Igraine but rather England, now and into the future, Merlin, out of compassion for the future of Arthur and England, made a deal with Uther but knowing also it would turn out to be fatal for Uther because of the Karma of the whole thing. And in the end of it all Igraine was to become a Catholic Nun later in life.

So, Merlin visited Morgana, Igraine's oldest daughter because she was Fae like Merlin in that she had the second sight. With Morgana, Merlin found he could share as one of her tutors that he had the ability to fly. One day while he was tutoring Morgana in foreign languages especially Celtic and French and Swedish and German, he wasn't thinking and slowly started lifting off the ground. Morgana's eyes grew very wide and she said, "You're flying!" Merlin put his feet on the ground and said, "Morgana, you can't tell anyone about this!" But Morgana said, "You can fly! Where did you learn this? Can you teach me?" Merlin looked deeply into Morgana at this point and said, "Only men can fly." Morgana looked crushed. Then Merlin thought about this more and realized, "I don't know if girls can fly only because I haven't seen one do it yet!" So, he corrected himself to Morgana and said, "I have never seen a girl or woman fly." Morgana said, "That doesn't mean that girls don't fly." Merlin said, "You are absolutely right, Morgana." "So, can you teach me?"Merlin had a very bad feeling about all this and said, "If you do well in your studies and I think it is safe for you I will teach you!" Morgana was ecstatic. Because to her it meant, "Yes." But to Merlin knowing something of the future to come it meant a very distant, "Maybe."

note: I just discovered that historically the name of Morgana is actually Morgause. So, though I might continue to call her Morgana her actual historical name appears to be Morgause. And Morgause was who Arthur impregnated during the "Fires of Beltane" but both were supposed to wear masks so neither knew who the other was supposedly. So, we have Uther impregnating Igraine the night her husband, Gorlois was killed by Uther's men. In this way Uther takes Igraine to be his wife and thereby sanctions the birth of Arthur. Then Merlin demands to raise Arthur which he does in payment for the magic for Uther to lay with Igraine and sire a child. However, soon Uther gets his own karma for demanding this and is killed and England spends some time in relative chaos until King Arthur comes of age and begins Camelot, the Round Table and chivalry.


This takes on itself a life of it's own because I have now been to the ruins of Nalanda University (in 1986), to Glastonbury Abbey in October 2011 and to Rewalsar, India in 1986 to allow all this to come full circle for me in my ongoing life experience.


  Note: According to my wife who is something of a history buff, she was telling me that likely Uther, Arturus, or Arthur (both father and son) were 200 AD to 500 AD. Many historians think Arthur was a Roman like in

King Arthur (2004) - IMDb

However, others think King Arthur was later as in 700AD to 900 AD. Who is right? It's hard to say at this point because so much has become legend. So, if Merlin was in Arthur's time it was likely between 200 AD to 900 AD or that range.

Also, the following true life experience of mine as a compassionate truth seeker led eventually my writing this about Merlin. Here it is if you are interested:

Saint Germain, Padmasambhava, Merlin?





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