Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama is Brilliant

This present thing Obama is doing might be the single most brilliant thing I have ever seen him do in relation to Congress and the World so far. By saying he is going to attack Syria and but then saying he will only do so if Congress approves it means the whole world is watching. What this creates is a debate not only within Congress of not only what to do with Countries using Chemical and other illegal weapons (like Nuclear) and other when 98% of the world's countries have all agreed that chemical weapons are illegal Internationally already. By bringing Congress into this it brings the whole world into this debate through the Internet and medias like CNN tv and public radio and television worldwide. This creates the debate the world needs now. Great Britain decided not to punish Syria because of what happened in Iraq. They don't want to get burned again. France is willing to go in with us.

But, maybe a new dialog needs to be started. We are in a "Hidden Cold War" which is the real "Bear in the Closet here". Everyone is pretending there is no grizzly bear in the closet even though it is making noise and wanting to get out.

Hopefully, one of the things this worldwide debate will address is the "Grizzly in the closet clawing it's way out while the world pretends nothing is actually happening. Worldwide debate if it is straightforward and to the point might start to clear all this (fantasy thinking) up so there is less likely a World nuclear or chemical war going on during the next 10 years or so.

If as an intuitive I look forwards through time it is potentially possible that without a realistic discussion that up to 1/2 the population of earth could be gone from Chemical, Nuclear and other weapons by 2050 if the world doesn't start to get more realistic about all this. Living in denial only makes people crazy and dead before their time.

And one of the problems of Political Correctness because of it's extreme diplomatic way of doing things is an extreme form of "Living in Denial". So, being realistic now is the only way the world is going to stay in one piece during the rest of this century.

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