Friday, August 30, 2013

Capturing Rain water

As time goes on more and more around the world likely the purest waters will be directly from the sky because of increasing pollution on the ground spreading eventually everywhere it seems. So, the cleanest water you might be able to get then is going to be directly from the sky before it hits the ground. So, one of the ways to capture this water would be through the downspouts on your home or apartment wherever you live on earth. Then it could be run into a wine barrel or other type of container for storage. So, what might be important in all this would be: The type of roofing you use if you want to drink this water. The type of storage tank you use.

For example, I used to know a man who was a priest who caught all the water from his downspouts and kept it in a wine barrel outside his kitchen. Then he boiled the water in his kettle before drinking it or making tea with it. He also developed a fish pond at a house next door in an old cement septic tank that was no longer used as a septic tank. Fish grew in this tank that had been cleaned out and lived on insects and algae that would gather in the large tank. His only problem with this was raccoons and house cats who liked to eat the fish. But then, he covered the open part of the tank with screening that was large enough for insects to get through to get to the fish so they could eat them but small enough to keep raccoons and house cats out. So, he grew fish in his fish pond to eat eventually when they got big enough and also had chickens there in this suburban environment and with the chicken manure he fertilized his organic gardens but if you do this you have to mix it with milder fertilizers or it will burn your plants.

So, capturing rain water in many places in the world might be the cleanest water you will find to drink there inexpensively, especially on into the future as long as you boil it before you consume it. I suppose you might be able to drink it if you drink it right as it is coming off the roof if birds haven't visited your roof lately.

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