Thursday, August 29, 2013

Should we punish Syria for using Chemical Weapons?

I think to actually have a useful conversation about this we need to be a little metaphorical.

So, imagine Syria represented by Assad who represents his government as having gone a little crazy, crazy enough to use chemical weapons on his people like Saddam Hussein and Iran used on Each other during their war in the 1980s.

Then imagine Syria not wanting to be stopped from using chemical weapons. They want to kill all the Sunni men, women and children they can with Chemical Weapons. In fact, if the U.S. attacks them they might load Chemical weapons into Russian Cruise missiles and crash them on the decks of our Destroyers.

Since all these things are realistic you have the world Police (The U.S. and maybe NATO) going to punish Syria for using Chemical Weapons on their people.

But then, you have Syria aligned with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China. What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture is you might actually have Russian cruise missiles hitting U.S. Ships fired by Syrians who have loaded them with Sarin Gas hitting our Destroyers or Subs if they were above water.

What does the U.S. do? They move the Destroyers further back, move up the subs and keep the subs underwater so they can go underwater when they launch cruise misssiles against Syria or they send in drones with Hellfire missiles to take out Syrian Chemical missiles or shoot missiles from space or near space at Syria straight down or from planes from the borders of other countries.

Also, I'm thinking the targets to punish Assad's Government likely will be given to the U.S. by Israel. This would make the most sense in keeping Israel Viable and keeping Iran's Hezbollah Missiles from getting to near the Israeli border.

So, theoretically we should punish Syria from using Chemical weapons to prevent other countries and Syria from ever doing this again. However, that being said, then there is reality. What are Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Russia and China going to do? This seems like a very important question to be asking now.

Does Obama fully realize we are in a new Cold War? Maybe he should be talking to people like Kissenger and others who actually went through the Cold War as leaders in the U.S.?

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