Saturday, August 31, 2013

God is where you find him

"God is where you find him, her, the Being"

My wife recently bought a wooden "Reclining Buddha" and set it where I can see it when I get into my bed. Each of us has our own relationship with God and all things spiritual (if we choose to). Because of my training by my parents who were ministers and ran a mystical Christian Church when I was 6 to 12 years of age I was trained to have a personal relationship with God. However, I also know that not everyone shares this experience and I know that people have to have a whole lot of different ways to survive here on earth. However, what works for me is often to "experience" lately the "reclining Buddha" sometimes speaking to me important things. Since I'm a mystic, pictures can speak to me as God or pictures or statues of angels or a statue of Mary the mother of Jesus or pictures of Jesus etc. They are always telling me important things which help and protect me in my life. I find this is really important because it is sort of like "Dreaming while being with God while awake" so God can talk to me 24 hours a day to tell me what I need to know.

Everyone has to create their own covenant with God and the universe if they want to or need to. Mine works great for me By God's Grace.

We are all unique beings. So, each of our covenants with God will be unique and individual. However, I think it is important to have a relationship that you can count on to keep you alive (no matter what) and that will help you heal both physically, mentally and spiritually when you need. So, if you can find a way to create a covenant with God that works for both you and God maybe that might be useful.

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