Friday, November 8, 2013

If you think it will help mankind if you extend your lives

When I was in my 20s I stayed alive at first not for myself but for my parents, friends and relatives. For myself I would have preferred to die at that time. However, God showed me he needed me to stay alive but I couldn't do that for myself. So, I stayed alive for others instead. But then, when I knew my son was coming and going to be born I stopped rock climbing and doing all sorts of dangerous things when I was 25. It is one of the reasons I'm alive now. Then in my late 20s and early 30s I slowly gravitated towards Native American shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism. I was always a mystical Christian Dualist at all point of my life too. So, my 2nd wife taught me about non-dualism which kind of scared me because secular Christian thought even in universities at that time tended to be very dualistic in the 1960s and 1970s. In other words something had to be either good or bad and there really wasn't anything in between at least in Western Christian Secular Thought. So, moving towards non-dualism was a big deal for me. Even now, I have trouble with aspects of it emotionally because of my upbringing.

However, it is more adult whereas dualistic thought is more childish and impractical. So, if you are a thinking person who goes to college dualistic thought is only about fairy tales and doesn't make any sense at all if you are over 12 to 15 years old emotionally in your life.

Whereas non-dualistic thought is more like the weather. Is rain good or bad? Is snow good or bad? Are Clouds good or bad? There is no one answer for all people so this is a non-dualistic situation. Rain can be good or bad and is usually both to different people and the same for snow and clouds.

So, a realistic adult can see all this. There are almost no things other than standing in front of cars on a freeway waiting to be killed that are bad that all might agree on. And even then if someone had terminal extremely painful cancer this might work for them but not for other drivers or passengers in other cars.

Non-dualistic thought and feeling compassion for all beings in the universe led me to Tibetan Buddhism and to White Tara.

The real beauty for me regarding Buddhism for all humanity is that you don't have to believe in God to be a Buddhist. This is an incredibly big thing for mankind. Because once children go to college often they lose their belief in God if they didn't already before. Because believing in God is about faith but not about logic or reason necessarily.

For example, I believe in God because it saved my life while I had childhood epilepsy. I don't believe I could have survived that otherwise. It also led to me becoming an Intuitive for God and directly led by God to help mankind. It also led to me actually seeing God while soul traveling and when I got back into my body I shook for two days. "NO man can see God and Live!" So, even if you see God your body might not die but you will. (even if your body survives).

On my spiritual path I found Tibetan Buddhism and I found the White Tara Initiation and empowerment. I had about 2 or 3 of these empowerments and initiations by Tibetan Lamas in the 1980s in north Coastal California near San Francisco. I also had Long Life initiations with Padmasambhava that I believe was one of the incarnations of Saint Germain. It is possible that Merlin and Padmasambhava were the same incarnation. Padmasambhava when he was younger and Merlin when he returned to England when he was older. But, that's just what I tend to think you don't have to.

So, the one you might more easily relate to is the "White TAra Long Life empowerment" given by a Tibetan Lama you feel you have a long term connection to.

This will "Magically?" make your lives longer and more productive and you will naturally be able to do more for all mankind as a direct result of your empowerment and practices.

As an intuitive I have observed how this works. The souls of all mankind observe as emissaries of God (or Buddha if you prefer) what everyone does. If you are helping mankind in observable ways lives are often lengthened in all sorts of unbelievable ways as well as believable ways to make you live longer and longer so you can help mankind. Also, as people observe you helping people they pray for you and this also lengthens your lives as well.

So, if you feel you still have a lot to give see if you can get an empowerment to lengthen your lives to help all mankind through compassion. By helping mankind you also help all beings in the universe by so doing in the past, present and future of the universe. IF you are intuitive you will also experience all this. So, to you I'm sort of preaching to the choir. But for everyone else this works if you make it work if you want your lives lengthened to help mankind in compassionate ways. By God's Grace.

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