Friday, November 8, 2013

Another possibly Safe Place to Put Nuclear Waste?

Pandora's Promise? Pro nuclear Propaganda?

In a recent blog of mine above:
I wrote that nuclear waste is not safe anywhere on the surface of the earth. It is also not safe in space because if it is in orbit it eventually will degrade in orbit and fall into the atmosphere. If it is sent out further it will become like an asteroid potentially hitting earth once again and raining radiation down upon everything here as it burns up coming through the atmosphere. If it just flies around the sun like an asteroid it eventually could hit earth hundreds or thousands of years into the future just like asteroids might eventually hit earth or another planet or moon or even the sun.

So, the sun I realized is the ONLY for sure safe place to put nuclear waste known at present.

However, as I was walking today that the Earth's molten core is a lot like the sun and it might be less expensive to impregnate the molten core with nuclear waste because no human lives down there (at least yet).

The problem with putting nuclear waste into the molten core of earth is many fold on many levels. But just like Geothermal energy has been mastered, I think ways of dropping powdered radioactive material into the molten core of earth might also be mastered over time if enough people or governments wanted it done.

Also, as I was watching "Pandora's Promise" nuclear scientists from the 1950s were saying that the wrong type of nuclear reactor was chosen that is used around the earth now. The type of system used now was developed only because of the competition between the U.S. and Russia regarding nuclear power plants. So, it was mostly about getting the first plants going that the U.S. chose the types they created which are much more unstable and dangerous than other ones developed during the 1950s.

So, possibly if people are serious about nuclear power future nuclear power plants might be designed differently. However, it may still just be a choice about how the human race goes extinct in the end and of whether we all die from storms over 100 or 200 mph or whether we die of radiation poisoning, but likely the way humans are they will die of both for at least the next 300 years or so until we figure more things out en masse.

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