Sunday, November 29, 2015

Get ready to move to Canada or the North pole within 100 years

If you actually study climate change there is nothing we can do about the next 300 to 500 years of warming. If the whole human race and all technology disappeared right now completely from the planet the next 300 to 500 years Earth would keep getting warmer like it is now.

So, to be realistic if you live in North or South America, just get ready to move either to the tip of South America, or into Canada or up towards the north pole within 100 years or more from now.

This will keep you from being eaten by a Great White Shark while swimming in the Pacific Ocean in California. It will keep you from getting bitten by poisonous sea snakes coming up from Mexico and further south. It will keep you from getting Malaria or West Nile Virus from moisquitos moving up into the U.S. carrying it (into California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and through out the South.

Because even if we all disappeared along with our technology it is still going to continue to warm like this for 300 to 500 years no matter what.

But, if we do enough now it might stop getting warmer (or not) after 500 years or so.

Note: Just remember the North Pole used to have an average temperature of 76 degrees Fahrenheit or 24.5 approximately Celsius which is warmer than the average temperature of Hawaii year around now.

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