Sunday, November 29, 2015

Random mass killings worldwide

This is not an attempt to condone mass killings worldwide. Instead it is an attempt to explain why they are happening.

It is a psychological manifestation I believe of too many people in too small a space with not enough food.

However, I'm beginning more and more to understand the causes behind their actions one by one.

If you have studied psychology all you have to do is to see the research done on what happens to rats when you let too many rats male and female be in the same cage.

If you start with a male and a female in the cage everything is all right (depending upon how big the cage is) They start to have babies. (so far everything is okay). But then the babies grow up and impregnate each other eventually, and soon after everything starts to go awry. Males start killing and raping females, eating babies etc. as the population in the cage grows.

What I'm trying to say here is this is also happening to the human race in many places on earth in certain areas. So, what I'm saying is these bad conditions breed criminality, drug addiction, rape etc.

And some of the time this type of person who is already addicted to drugs and having problems also joins a group like ISIS to create some kind of meaning in their lives because they know they'll be dead before 30 anyway.

Or if someone is not Sunni Muslim and crazy from their  life experience of abuse from people around them, then they might be one of the people like the guy shooting up the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I'm saying what is creating these people to act is basically the same thing worldwide.

You really cannot separate the craziness of ISIS from the craziness of the guy shooting up the planned parenthood clinic in Colorado or the people shooting up Paris or the guys shooting up Mali. It's basically the same kind of craziness worldwide.

And the main cause is primarily: Overpopulation

With too many people, not enough shelter, food, education. Too much physical and psychological abuse from elders and adults upon children growing up, creating psychologically aberrant people who become mass murderers and other kinds of terrorists because of their abuse growing up worldwide.

However, it is important to note all this is a choice. One can choose to be a good person and not succumb to all of this (literally) if they choose.

They can get psychological help, they can talk to friends and relatives, they can read books of how to overcome their problems, (Or they can become suicidal-homicidal and kill themselves and many others along the way).

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