Friday, August 25, 2017

Boone, North Carolina

I just realized tonight that Arcane meets Eridian near what is now Boone, North Carolina. Healing techniques are emerging now and into the future from people meeting in this area even now which will eventually allow lifespans of 5000 to 10,000 years among humans affluent and trained enough to actually live this way. There will be a spherical shaped Crystalline City built near here that will combine technology and ancient healing techniques combined with newer research that will begin to allow longer and longer lifespans for humanity. This will be ongoing likely for thousands of years at this point.

Also, in 1999 I visited Italy with a motor home I rented in Munich, Germany I brought my then 10 year old daughter, my then 80 year old mother and my then 25 year old son and his friend to the location of what I found was now called the "Dalai Lama Camping Club" then in 1999. It is near the Matterhorn if you head up into the mountains near Aoste, Italy. I just sensed this was the right area and when I got to the right place it said "Dalai Lama Camping Club" then in 1999. Of Course! Tibetan Lamas would know where Elohar and Ragna and King Interlaken would be in 7028 on the 1st timeline!

And in Boone, it likely was the Maharish of TM that discovered this place where Arcane (Saint Germain) in that lifetime 1,000,000 years into the future is brought to Earth by his enemies to die here all alone. Instead, since there are no human bodies alive on earth 1,000,000 years from now, Eridian (Meridian) is one of the leaders of Earth at that time in a Light (or angel form). Arcane goes into the city of the Spheres then near Boone, North Carolina and is initiated to become a Soul Envoy of Earth at that time. He later saves his planet from Tech Noir but then has to leave because he has become a superman type of person to keep the peace on his planet New Deva and Isfahel. He joins the Galactic Time Guard and  then is sent to earth as a Galactic Time Guard Planetary Anthropologist in 1987 to the Golden Gate Bridge then in San Francisco, California.

Life is really amazing as I see the future, present and the past and how they all inter-relate in various ways.

Here is Arcane on earth 1,000,000 years in the future.

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