Monday, August 21, 2017

What is the difference between a philosopher and a religious person?

A philosopher keeps asking questions and often one question being answered leads to more and more questions throughout their lives.

The point of being a philosopher is it helps all mankind for thousands of years into the future. All sciences come from Philosophy and always have.

A religious person (in the main) has stopped asking questions if they truly believe in their religion All useful questioning has stopped completely other wise they could not believe completely in that religion.

I see myself as a spiritual and compassionate and kind person who is also a philosopher so I keep asking questions that likely would get me kicked out of most religions on earth. This already happened twice to me so I figured I didn't belong in an organized religion. A religion operates more like an army in that if you don't believe everything if you say anything about it they don't let you stay. So, a religion is like an army but God help you if you ask any questions at all that they don't want you to ask.

So, in order to join a religion people often ask questions but in staying in that religion (unless they are hypocrites) who stay only for business or because they like the people, people stop asking questions relevant to their ongoing survival as a human and as a soul traveling the entire universe.

So, I take my experiences and analyze them for posterity so that future generations will be wise enough to go on surviving for millions of years yet here on earth and beyond.

At least some of them will.

By God's Grace

PS The more of you that can logically and reasonable and compassionately as possible share what you have learned during your lifetimes, the more likely humans (in some form) will still be here 1,000,000 or more years from now. We might have colonized many other planets and dimensions by then but likely some of us will still be here in some form.

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