Saturday, January 5, 2019

It appears the worst of the storm is over for my area

But, further South Santa Barbara County is really getting nailed. Whether there is major flooding there or not will depend not only on the amount coming down but also the length of time it does that. However, if I just look at the weather radar it doesn't look good right now for Santa Barbara, especially Montecito.

Here where I am nearer to San Francisco there are branches down all over and water in the storm drains and everything is very wet but the wind is starting to die down that has been fierce since about 4 am this morning. But, there are no trees right where I am down which is good news and I haven't seen any big trees or limbs go through nearby roofs either which is also good news because this (from now through march usually is when that kind of thing is more likely to happen in my area.

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