Thursday, July 11, 2019

I used to live on Maui in 1989 and 1990

So, the area they are pointing to on a map is likely Kihei that they are evacuating and nearby areas. When I was last there I stayed near Lahaina and it is likely the road between Kahului Airport and City and Lahaina might be closed by the fire which likely would be difficult for people staying on Lahaina side of the Island.This particular area has a lot of fields like Sugar cane and other things growing in this area so it is not surprising that if a fire got started they might allow it to burn through the night rather than risk people dying fighting fires in sugar cane which could be a death trap especially at night because of the sharp leaves and shoots if you were running through them could cut and impale you as you ran from the fire in the winds. And winds are almost always gusting a little on the islands so this could also be a problem. What might make the most sense is to fight it from a helicopter or something like that so people wouldn't die trying to fight this fire in the gusty winds of the islands at night. However, night fire fighting would be done to protect structures of this I am sure. The Cane or pineapple or whatever is growing (papayas or mangos?) can be regrown quickly in the tropics but human lives once they are gone they are gone.

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