Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why isn't it possible for a human being to intellectually understand God

This might be the best way to say this:

A human being has maybe 100 to 200 IQ at most.

But God might have 1 million to 1 billion to 1 trillion IQ or more much more than this.

So, it would be like trying to get an ant to understand a human being. The ant can keep it's hive alive and might die trying to do this by getting eaten by a bird or something but likely couldn't understand a human being.

So, trying to understand God intellectually is a lot like an ant understanding what it is like to be a human being. But, it is actually millions of times more evolved than even this.

So, experiencing God 24 hours a day is easy. But, trying to fathom God is not possible for any human being because it is beyond our potential depth.

So, Experiencing God with every fibre of our beings is the greatest honor we can give God by being enlightened and helpful to all God's Creation here on earth and beyond.

By God's Grace

Imagine Trillions of timelines and Trillions of alternative universes simultaneously and much more than this. Could a human brain wrap around all of this? Unlikely.

A human brain might understand that these things exist but could not drill down to actually fathom all of it at once. But God could.

By God's Grace

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