Saturday, May 23, 2020

Believing in God and Angels is a Good thing but actually going to church might kill you

This is my thought on the subject. I have always worshipped God in the wilderness. Going to Yosemite Valley or Mount Shasta or the Ocean or other beautiful holy remote places have always been my church. So, I feel very sorry for people who are used to gathering for worshipping around the world because that is death.

Now I respect the right of people to choose the way that they die but the problem becomes:"It might not be you who dies but instead your children or your parents or your friends or your aunts and uncles other other people who are strangers to you.

So, if going to church makes you a murderer of people what good is that?

It's not that you would go to jail for murdering people through coronavirus because no one would know you are responsible. But, you might know that your going to church or the barber killed people you know and then you would have to live with that the rest of your life just like Viet Nam Veterans and Iraq war Veterans and Afghanistan war veterans do. And this can cause serious PTSD which also might take your life along the way also.

So, this is why I'm saying: "Going to Church worldwide might kill you eventually and kill others before it kills you."

But, in the end we all have to live with whatever we do here on earth.

By God's Grace

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